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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Punk Squirrel

I have been watching and waiting since I saw him/her down the street.... but I couldn't get a picture before he flew up a tree.
But finally he showed up in my neighbors yard!
His beige sibling in in the background but unfortunately is quite shy, unlike  this one 
who is pleased and proud how he he should be! 
Why should he be just another gray squirrel like the everyone else!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


A question was posed to me from Kindle daughter in law. 
What is s luffa?
I thought for a nano second and said a sponge? 
Since she asked I was already second guessing my answer.
No it's not.
Its a gourd that you can grow in your garden. 
Who knew!!!! 
Guess who is planting Luffa seeds this year????? 
Yep.......That would be me!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fossil Purse bzzzzzzzzzz

Kindle daughter in law and I are in a store and she spies the purse she can't live with out!
And it matched the outfit she had on....
 so it was a must have.
I happen to mention that when she's tired of it to PLEASE let me know.

So darn adorable!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring Cleaning

 I'm ready to think more about Spring Cleaning instead of Snow Shoveling. Being able to open the windows and doors to air the house out to hear the birds singing, yes..... even the robins that begin singing at 4am. To be able to go out in the yard with out putting on coats, scarves, gloves, boots and still being cold. 
AND green grass, daffodils and tulips. And of course my violets.