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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday, August 24, 2024


 I was interested and amazed all at once. This was constructed on the beach and I wonder if it was done by near by college students or by a random beachgoer. Regardless this had to be built by someone who  knew what they were doing. It stood for quite awhile weathering high winds and and curious people. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Let's just think about being at the right place at the right time.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Monday, July 29, 2024

On a Personal Note

I have been doing this blog for a long time and took time off--years off actually.  Work was all consuming for a number of years but life has slowed and I found that I truly miss writing this little blog. It feels good to put random thoughts on paper and send them out to the universe. 

I found very nice comments from readers from a very long time ago that I never knew I had and offer my sincere apologizes I didn't reply. I was playing with the stats section and low and behold I never checked that box and when I did there you were. A belated thank you to who ever took the time to write such nice words and encouragement. Hopefully I have done my part in allowing me to see responses now!

I am no longer traveling the world but but have settled down and am thoroughly enjoying my little corner of it. 

Friday, June 7, 2024


 I love giving new life to old quilts since it feels like I'm somehow honoring the person or people who fashioned them. This one has been hanging in the closet for awhile and I thought it was time to begin. But of course that's the to begin.

It was easy to see the repairs that it needed but it went beyond that. How do I convey that this is something that wasn't cut from the fancy templates we use. How do I highlight that some of the quilt pieces had to be pieced because of not having the correct size available. 

I have read over the years that old clothes and other pieces of  random fabric were used to make quilts. Not as masterpieces but for practical stay warm in bed. I imagine this is what this quilt was originally made for. Some of the fabric was worn thin but it was still incorporated into the quilt. My first instinct is to use it as it is so I will go with my gut and begin the repairs and see how things shape up. However the backing is similar to a heavy gauze fabric. That will be replaced with muslin but I would like use some of the backing somehow but I have no idea how or where to incorporate it. 

So the journey begins!


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Back to The Beach

 Just a piece of driftwood caught in some old concrete and two seagulls. 

What a peaceful scene. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024


 I think that Heaven will smell like Lilacs or Lily of the Valley

OR maybe

Apple Pie 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Cashmere Mittens ~ Restoration Hardware


Unexpected gift

and so darn adorable and yet useful I almost cried.

These cuties are hand warmers and are the perfect size for your pockets 

Love, Love, Love 

(and just when I thought it couldn't get any better,,,,,they're cashmere!)

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


 With the warmer weather I'm looking forward to starting our trips to the beach again. 

Glass is a given for most trips but the elusive marbles are a bonus.

It always makes the trip more exciting! 

When I find one there is some dancing involved!

Thursday, February 1, 2024


 I am not being lulled into the idea that winter is over 

but the winter thaw has made it feel that way. 

I'm not the only one tho! 

        These brave and fearless plants are just poking thru 

to see if its safe to begin their growing up.         

The wild violet is fearless  

                                                    which is very much appreciated by me.                                                                          


Saturday, January 20, 2024


 This is the view from my favorite place to sit and have my coffee in the morning 

or anytime of the day actually.

I'm not sure though if this is my favorite spot because because I can curl up and read or because it's the

 best view in the house. 

Probably both.