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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Kate Spade Purses

I think I'm in love with Kate Spade purses!
How does anyone ever decide which one to get?




Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Miss Zoe

One year ago we were blessed with an amazing granddaughter

After 5 sons & 4 grandsons you can just imagine we were totally unprepared for a little girl, overjoyed but unprepared!
There were early heath scares and concerns beyond our comprehension. She was born with Down Syndrome.
I read “Bloom” by Kelle Hampton
I read all the literature that came flooding in including "A Trip to Holland"
We talked with kind Dr. Grandpa (who really is her grandpa!)
I talked to dear husband and friends... and then more friends
And through it all I prayed she would be healthy and wouldn’t be taken from us
And here we are one year later with a healthy happy 1 year old
She’s a mover and a shaker
She is a giggly girl
And she rocks the coolest of outfits
Did I mention she’s a girl after my own heart….she loves chocolate!!!!!
Mom and Dad love her to the moon and back
and we do too!



Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tiara for Miss Zoe

 I was looking for a Christmas ornament for our new grand daughter Zoe last year.  I had the picture in my mind what I wanted but I couldn't find anything remotely close. So necessity being the mother of invention, I put my mind to making one.
And Voila`...... behold
Take a peek at my Etsy shop!

Here is our Princess Zoe
The girl of many faces!!
What a cutie patootie--slice of sunshine she is...right?!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wrought Iron Gates

As I walk I am always looking at the beautiful iron fences in Covington KY. I have picture after picture but I never stopped to look at the gates until friend Linda pointed them out. It’s these moments my Kindle daughter in law shakes her head and says I am still one of the most unobservant people she has ever met.
Many of these gates I have seen before but a few are new. Maybe my fascination is because it's so rare that I see them where I live.
Aren't they just lovely!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Natalie's Slide

I don't think now would be a good time to go play on your slide Natalie!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I am amazed by the balance I see in everyday life.
Your bank account to cheerleaders 
High wire walkers to landscaping
Flower arrangements to toddlers taking those first steps
Building blocks to walking on stilts
Dreams to reality
We all need to learn to find that balance in our lives.
 when we don’t balance things out
life has a way of taking care of it for you

Monday, September 2, 2013

Paris Eatery

Of the hundreds of pictures I took in Europe this is one stands out in my mind.
If I had never gone this is exactly the type of scene I would have imagined.
I wish I had included the name of the place in the photo tho.