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Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Miss Zoe

One year ago we were blessed with an amazing granddaughter

After 5 sons & 4 grandsons you can just imagine we were totally unprepared for a little girl, overjoyed but unprepared!
There were early heath scares and concerns beyond our comprehension. She was born with Down Syndrome.
I read “Bloom” by Kelle Hampton
I read all the literature that came flooding in including "A Trip to Holland"
We talked with kind Dr. Grandpa (who really is her grandpa!)
I talked to dear husband and friends... and then more friends
And through it all I prayed she would be healthy and wouldn’t be taken from us
And here we are one year later with a healthy happy 1 year old
She’s a mover and a shaker
She is a giggly girl
And she rocks the coolest of outfits
Did I mention she’s a girl after my own heart….she loves chocolate!!!!!
Mom and Dad love her to the moon and back
and we do too!



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