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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Cold's here!

I finally couldn't take it any longer so I  put the fleece sheets on the bed. It's only early October but I have been so cold already.
I am cold all the time...all year round...with the exception of a few months in the summer...if I have the wonderful opportunity to be outside.
If not, I freeze in air conditioning, and well of course, I freeze once the temperatures get to be a bit below my comfort level.
Kindle DIL took pity on me several years ago and bought me a fleece sheet set.....
The bed is always warm and soft and beyond comfy. I think it was the best gift ever for me....well not true, she bought me an electric toothbrush once and I did cartwheels of joy! I love brushing my teeth and keeping them sprakley clean. 
And I never have woolly sweaters on my teeth when I wake up anymore! 
Fabulous right! 

I think I need the gray polka dot ones in the back.
The hunt begins!

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