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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday....hands down.
There is no agenda
No presents
Just good food and better company
This is the day that gratitude overwhelms me for I am so blessed with amazing family, friends and a wonderful life.
Thank you for stopping in to read my have no idea how much it means to me.
So Happy Thanksgiving......and please know how blessed I feel today knowing you are reading this.
I wish all an abundance of peace and happiness...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Disney Coffee Mug

Miss Heather showed up at work with this mug  after her trip to Disney World.

Utterly adorable!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Miltenberg, Germany

~~Miltenberg, Germany~~

I discovered a new city in Germany that is at the top of 
my "must go to" list if I get back to Europe again.

....oh my gosh......doesn't it look amazing.

 I discovered it on Pinterest of all places!

I traveled there yesterday via the internet. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014


I was visiting with dear friend Jeanne today and since it had been way too long since we had talked we covered alot of topics in a short time. She reminded me that about a year ago I tried to do a cartwheel. I was the cartwheel queen at one point of my life. I could even do cartwheels with a flip. 
I was good....really good. So why couldn't I do it now...of course I can.
So when everyone was gone one day I decided to practice in the house. There must have been a part of me that was worried I would fail since I didn't dare go in the back yard in front of all the neighbors. Anyway long story cartwheel skills are entirely gone. I couldn't do it all.
I have to admit I was shocked at myself. 
In my head I was capable of the perfect cartwheel and the reality was quite different. 

You do know that I will probably have to try again.