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Saturday, November 8, 2014


I was visiting with dear friend Jeanne today and since it had been way too long since we had talked we covered alot of topics in a short time. She reminded me that about a year ago I tried to do a cartwheel. I was the cartwheel queen at one point of my life. I could even do cartwheels with a flip. 
I was good....really good. So why couldn't I do it now...of course I can.
So when everyone was gone one day I decided to practice in the house. There must have been a part of me that was worried I would fail since I didn't dare go in the back yard in front of all the neighbors. Anyway long story cartwheel skills are entirely gone. I couldn't do it all.
I have to admit I was shocked at myself. 
In my head I was capable of the perfect cartwheel and the reality was quite different. 

You do know that I will probably have to try again.

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