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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Kate Spain

Below is an excerpt from Kate Spain's email update that I received today. She also has an interesting blog that you can check out. 
I encourage you to visit Kate's site to read and see all the beautiful things she shares with her readers.

"Look at this astounding English rose display in Southport, CT — just a town over from where we live. This was so amazing because all these roses were planted in a very narrow 16" road-front garden. A good reminder that you can do so much with not a whole lot of space. If you're local and want to have a look at this, it's on Harbor Road across from Pequot Yacht Club. I love the carefree, unstructured look to these roses. Their color and fragrance were a beautiful treat to savor!"

                                                                 Kate Spain

I was just thinking back to a train ride I had last year in Germany. I was awed by the beautiful gardens and flowers that people had in their yards in very small spaces. It inspired me to try it in my yard and it works beautifully!  
                                I love how Kate describes it as carefree and unstructured....
                                                    that's the look I always strive for!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Panera Chocolate Pastry

I had lunch with a friend at Panera yesterday and since they were offering me a free pastry how could I say no. AND it was my last day of total silence and solitude til my husband and son arrive home tomorrow from a fishing trip in Canada.
Now don't get me wrong I love them both dearly but I look forward each year to "by myself time".
I sat with my pastry and coffee this morning and remembered waking up in Paris last year ,walking to the pastry shop down the street to pick out something delectable to enjoy.  
What a memory!

Friday, June 19, 2015


I'm not sure how 2 people can occupy a 2000 + sq ft house and not have room to put things away? Just when I think I am making progress cleaning out and cleaning up I find more areas that have things that we simply don't need anymore. 
How does it happen that I have cleaning supplies x 3 of the same product? 
Why does dear husband have 3 + cans of WD 40? 
Can I say lack of organization! 
The dear man is not going to be happy about all this work I have planned for us when he gets back from his fishing trip!

Let the organization begin!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Patty's Popcorn ~~ Hyde Park Square, Cincinnati, Ohio

It was sensory overload when Miss Susie took me to this store. 
The popcorn is wonderful and if you're in the area you should definitely plan on stopping by. 
 Beside the popcorn they are stocked with old fashioned candy and treats!

I dare you to try and not smile as you take it all in!
You can even sample the popcorn before you purchase it! 
How smart is that?!?