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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Vintage Thimble & Needle Case

Thoughtful Kindle DIL and my son gave me these beauties. 
They are beyond beautiful and perfect since my passion is sewing. 
I haven't the vaguest idea how old they are but visions of the owner of something like this 
just  makes my imagination run rampant!
(The hankie was an earlier perfect)

Saturday, April 16, 2016


I was chopping away one day and truly wasn't paying attention to the luscious picture 
that was forming right in front of me. 
I am only growing red and green peppers this year
 but I think next year I will have to try my hand at orange and yellow too!

Salads, eggs, potatoes, etc etc, etc


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Grown Up Coloring Books

With adult coloring books being all the rage these days I signed up for a Zendala  Coloring class..
Well it was a coloring class 
but we had to create the Zendala/Manadla first. 
What a humbling experience that was!
The instructor, who is an art major and teacher was positive and calming but the very thought that artwork was part of the evening was intimidating. 
When she said it doesn’t have to be perfect and that’s ok
…..the seamstress part of me was like….
what do you mean it doesn’t have to be perfect??? 
As the evening progressed it was abundantly clear that my sister was blessed with all the artistic ability in the family so I will enjoy my coloring book.
Tho I have to say I was impressed by the beautiful designs that others in the class created
…and completed…unlike me.

That’s ok. My talents just lie in other areas and I actually did learn things I need erasable colored pencils for one!
Image result for mandalas
Image result for mandalasImage result for mandalas

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Maxcera Green & White Toile Rabbit Mug

Oh, how do I love thee lapin (rabbit) cup? 
I love thee alot!

I'm ready to take my first sip of coffee.....ahhhhhh
Now for the pictures.
So French Country right???

From Friend Susie
She has so many unique and amazing shops in her area.
Thank You Again and Again and Again!