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Friday, January 20, 2017


In the process of cleaning up and out in my sewing room I have unearthed many projects.
Some started
 Some put off
Some I really didn’t want to do
But after finding room to put things away 
and finding the top of my cutting table 
I am trying to clear them away. 
I WILL start with the one I don’t want to do and continue to move forward, 
albeit at a snails pace, 
but move forward I will because at the end is the beginning of a new quilt.

 There is a method to my madness!

Soooo cute.
DIL wants me to make a top with an adorable polka dot collar.
I just don't enjoy sewing clothes 
I can do it tho so I said yes

This will be the current final project. 
Vintage quilt pieces for another quilt.

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