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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Sheryl Sandberg ~ Lean In

I recently saw a story on Sheryl Sandberg and it brought to mind the post I did in 2013.  I thought back that if I hadn't read her book and seen the quote below I might never have started this blog. 
I have had so much fun writing and it's has made me more aware to always be looking for an interesting picture to post. Wonderful people from all over the world have viewed my little blog and it's so exciting yet humbling.
I have also walked thru many doors since then and never, never had a moment of regret.

~Thanks Sheryl~

My original post 

I am currently reading Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg. She is the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook and has held a couple other impressive jobs…and that’s putting it mildly. Her perspective is so interesting and thought provoking and can apply to such a wide range of women of all ages and walks of life. Small scale or big scale I feel we all need to walk through those open doors and quit over thinking what’s on the other side. I, for one, forget that if we walk through and don’t care for what’s over there we usually can go back to what it was before or something pretty darn close. If not….reinvent yourself. Trust me I know how easy it is to say that but hard to actually follow through but I encourage you to try it……it might become one of the best things you ever did.

 “ So please ask yourself: What would I do I weren’t afraid? And then go do it.”  
                                  For me it was to write this blog….really…..

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