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Sunday, March 10, 2013


My daughter in law gave me her old Kindle when she upgraded. How nice was that???? I feel like Belle when the Beast opened the draperies in the library and she first saw all the books she could read! I have downloading classic books that I have wanted to read forever (all for free) and bought some from my favorite authors as well. I still love the feel of holding a book to read and of course I will never give up my excursions to the library. But this is a new alternative for me and I just love it.
I did notice that on my last trip that I was one of the few people who were not reading from an electronic device, which is fine, but now I have choices....and my carry on will be much lighter!  
I don't think I can live long enough tho to read all the books I want to read. ...but this is a start....
Many thanks to Kayte!

I am currently reading short stories about Sherlock Holmes.
What are you reading these days?

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