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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

I want to take time to wish all of you Happy Thanksgiving. For those that don't celebrate the holiday I want you to know how thankful I am that you take time to share my thoughts.
Take time during the holiday season, or by years end, to sit back and be amazed with what you've been given. When I climb into bed at night here are a few things that I think about and am grateful for. Is my life perfect and carefree....not by a long shot but I choose to do what I can and let it go.

My faith in God
My family and friends
A bed. A comfortable warm bed at that.
 I am employed in a safe clean environment
 I have clean clothes to put on in the morning
I have a home to come home to every day
My 10 year old car that starts every day
(and a dear husband who faithfully maintains it) 
All you dear people who stop by faithfully.
This is the tip of the iceberg for things I am grateful for.
I could literally go on for pages so I will continue the list in my head!

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