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Thursday, June 19, 2014


For a rather significant birthday  friend Celine gave me pearls. She said the day should be marked by something extraordinary…so pearls were in order.
So for several years now I have been the proud owner of the pearls in the picture below. I always thought that I never was dressed up enough to wear them. Business casual or jeans and pearls? How could I pull that off? I was told that of course I could wear them….with anything actually! So I have been wearing them more and more. At first I felt a bit “June Cleaver-ish” then I felt more “Julia Child-ish” then “Audrey Hepburn-ish”. In other words I got more comfortable wearing them.
I love them
I love how they look
I love how I feel when I wear them
But most of all I have always loved my dear friend (who I met in the 7th grade) who felt I needed them.

Bracelet & earrings not shown!

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