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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Comfort Foods = Yummy Casserole

Winter is officially here……early! We never even had Indian Summer!
Multiple layers of clothes in an attempt to stay warm
Winter coats, hats, gloves
Higher heating bills
However this is also the time of year for what I fondly call comfort foods. Things that sound perfectly awful in the summer when all I want to do is have something quick and get outside.
So hello to Chili, 
and things that I actually cook instead of throwing on the grill
 and of course Yummy Casserole.
This recipe had a very generic name so I decided to rename it
 and since dear husband and I are always are saying Yummmm when we have it seemed logical to dub it 
"Yummy Casserole"

AND here's my dream kitchen where I would love to cook it!
Tho my kitchen is perfectly lovely I would love to have all this extra room!
And the stove....and the windows...and the fabulous island...and the lighting
And those plates in the glass cupboard!

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