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Monday, August 31, 2015


Today is the day. I know it's" hot" degrees outside but I'm determined to make scones. 
I have the recipe, cranberries and an orange so here I go. 
I love scones...
I crave scones
But they have to be the right texture and and definitely not smothered in frosting. 
I don't want anything to disguise the scrumptious flavor. 
Maybe a little coarse sugar on top? 
I can hardly wait to get started....fingers crossed this is the perfect recipe for me!

Looks perfect right?!?
I need to tweek the cook time in the future tho.
Thanks to friend Celine for the recipe!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Once in a Blue Moon

On July 31 of this year we were able to view the super moon. It was gigantic!!! and oh so beautiful. Even if you don't have a preoccupation with the moon and how beautiful it ordinarily is this phenom was certainly something to see!
I was out and about and people were pulling over on the side of the road to stop and look!
There was a  full moon twice in the month of July
thus the "once in a blue moon" phrase.

New York


(compliments of friend Susie)

Moon rising over our local college

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cappadocia Turkey

I tuned into the Rick Steves show today and they were visiting Turkey. 
It was an excellent show (as they always are) and the highlight for me was the hot air balloon rides over the Cappadocia area.... it was breathtaking

Steves covered a lot of the  local history and this episode is online at his site if you're interested it learning more.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Tomato Jungle

It was quite exhilarating to have my first picking of tomatoes this year. I love to see the end of all the work of starting them from seed, re-potting as they get bigger and finally planting them outside.
It all seems a bit late to me but it's probably due to the unusual weather we have had this year.
Hot - Cold
Cold - Hot
That being said take a look at these cuties!
It is hard to believe that I get excited about this because unless they're cooked 
I really don't care for the taste of tomatoes. 
I make myself try them every year but.....still not a big fan of the taste
but they certainly are lovely! 

It's hard to believe that I planted a teeny tiny seed last March 
and now it's a gigantic
I haven't seen my wind chime in a long time. It's in there somewhere!

Look at these beauties!
The rocks are pretty awesome too.....

Monday, August 10, 2015

Paper Napkins

I was remembering that my mom always used cloth napkins.....bless her heart.....
regardless of what was on the menu. I carried over many traditions from her, like cutting sandwiches at an angle or using Kraft Mayo, but with 5 sons cloth napkins was not one of them! 
I generally don't have a favorite brand of either. My thought process is that in about an hour they will be thrown out and grandson Wes, in an effort to keep clean, goes through a minimum of 3 napkins per meal. No messy face and hands for him!
As a side note....this is the only time he attempts to stay clean.

Marcal Napkins

What a awesome idea!

Voila! No more napkins spilling out of an open bag!

I'm curious why other companies aren't doing this!