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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Tomato Jungle

It was quite exhilarating to have my first picking of tomatoes this year. I love to see the end of all the work of starting them from seed, re-potting as they get bigger and finally planting them outside.
It all seems a bit late to me but it's probably due to the unusual weather we have had this year.
Hot - Cold
Cold - Hot
That being said take a look at these cuties!
It is hard to believe that I get excited about this because unless they're cooked 
I really don't care for the taste of tomatoes. 
I make myself try them every year but.....still not a big fan of the taste
but they certainly are lovely! 

It's hard to believe that I planted a teeny tiny seed last March 
and now it's a gigantic
I haven't seen my wind chime in a long time. It's in there somewhere!

Look at these beauties!
The rocks are pretty awesome too.....

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