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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Christmas Ornaments

Today is the day to put the ornaments on our tree. When I finally settle things down & begin it’s something I truly enjoy. The opening of the boxes & the unwrapping of each precious one opens the floodgate of memories. I have some from my mom and I think how she put those on their tree year after year. 
How I love being the caretaker of them now.
Also the ornaments she personally gave me over the years that she knew would 
be meaningful to me like the glass horse! 
She gave it to me the year I threw caution to the wind and scraped some money together & took riding lessons.
( I was the girl who always asked for a pony all year.... all the time.)
Friend Libby gave me some extraordinarily unique ones as well and though I rarely see her how I love the times when we get together.

Here are just a few of the special ones I have.

Beautiful Angels from Germany

So fragile it's scary!


I finally got my horse!

Whimsical x 2

"Libby Ornaments"

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