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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 Went by so Fast!

!!!2018 went by so quickly!!!

This was the mantra at work for the entire year...old and young alike and I was one of them.
However the last 2 months were a blur for me.

All in all it was a good year with some bumps in the road that we weathered well.

We had lot of family time which for me was the highlight of 2018. 
My dear sister came to visit from Denver. 
We were able to go to South Korea to visit our son and family.
I'm still employed....there has been ALOT of "consolidating of jobs" at my company so grateful is an understatement.
So thank you to dear husband, my family and wonderful friends far and wide. 
I love you all more than you could ever know.

Life is good.

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