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Saturday, January 26, 2019

White Lily Flour

I was reading an article about how to make light fluffy biscuits in the New York Times.
Bear in mind that I have made biscuits multiple times to literally throw all of them out.
They were not light and fluffy. I have recipes that tell me that they will be but indeed they aren't.
My recipes call for White Lily Flour and in my ignorance just used what I had on hand. 
Then I read the article.....all flour is not created equally! 
I need White Lily!
It's available in many places or should I say used to be available until the eye-opening article came out in the Times.  I can order it online but it would cost slightly less than my mortgage payment. 
I was thinking of asking my friend in South Carolina to send me some. 
I was thinking of getting it hopefully when I was in Florida but it probably wouldn't make it thru security. 

I'm not giving up tho. 
I hesitate to tell Dear Husband we have to go on a road trip to buy flour to make biscuits
.....and he really doesn't even like biscuits. 

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