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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Maine Coon

Friends of mine have a cat....well actually they have 2....
There is Vree
Sweet, cute but a little skittish
And no wonder. She lives with Tars, a huge Maine Coon.
He is no doubt one of the most beautiful cats I have ever seen seen.
He has the ability to be sweet and purring one moment and the next he is attacking your feet like prey. He can be resting one moment and in a nano second will spring unexpectedly on Vree as she is merely walking by. 
Strangely, he always seems to want to lay on my lap. 
Is he trying to win me over? 
Lull me into thinking he is to be trusted? 
I think not! 
I will keep a wary eye on this one as I tentatively stroke his impossibly soft fur.

The many faces of Tars

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