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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Pioneer Woman's Cookbook(s)

I am the proud owner of two more of The Pioneer Woman's Cookbooks. I have been pouring over each beautiful and hysterical page for over a week now. I'm excited to try so many of the recipes in her books..... I can cook and smile at the same time. So tomorrow is Skillet Lasagna and then later in the week Salisbury steak ala PW. (that's for dear husband who LOVES Salisbury steak. 
And after many, many, many years of marriage I have to say I have never made it.  Pretty bad right?
Anyway I'll make up for it this week and surprise him.
If you like to cook.....go get her cookbooks! They are wonderful and full of more than just recipes.
I tried to win a cookbook on her website so I could actually have a signed copy. 
How awesome would that have been?!?

She loves butter, cream, sugar, chocolate plus alot more 
and isn't afraid to use them in abundant quantities. 

She is a woman after my own heart. 
And us redheads need to stick together!

She is just not the cutest thing ever right?? 

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