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Saturday, May 28, 2016

1910 (?) Vintage Paris Beaded Dress

About 10+ years ago I went to an Estate Sale with friend Gail and as we walked in both of us saw this vision on loveliness folded in a zip lock bag. Both of us knew instantly what a find it was and that each of us wanted it. Unfortunately she spotted it a nano second before me so it was hers.
 Big sigh here.......however fair is fair
Lo and behold several weeks ago she called me and said that she had started to thin out her collection and needed to get rid of things and knew that she needed to give me "the dress". 
Overwhelmed, shocked, grateful 
yet terrified to take it out of the plastic bag.
After scrubbing the table I gently slid the dress out and painstakingly unfolded this beauty.
It was as I expected it to be....extremely fragile and falling apart in places but exquisite none the less.
How I wish you could see this "live"  up close and personal

Visions of Downton Abbey are floating thru my head!

Gail never took it out of the bag in all those years

Ooh la la
 Beads everywhere!

 Look at the stitching that was done!

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