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Saturday, May 7, 2016


"I didn’t get anything accomplished today"

I’m not sure when life segwayed from relaxing to I didn’t get anything accomplished this weekend.
Yes, even when I take a day off to do something I have wanted to do that in no way involves work, I have to say that in the back of my mind I think that I should be home cleaning or weeding  or something that needs to be done.
When my kids were young I was a firm believer that it was priority to spend time with them and worry about all the chores some other time. I had a wonderful time and so did they plus we built memories that they still talk about. We survived without cell phones and cable and so many other things that they have a hard time believing we didn’t have "way back then."

I, for one, am so glad that I adopted that lifestyle 
and I am going to work on letting myself do nothing every so often now too. 

Like reading 
or a marathon re-watch of Downton Abbey 
or baking…..
Or taking a long bath and reading....
and eating what I baked!

I always feel this relaxed after doing any of the above
or perhaps I'm just experiencing a sugar coma....
either way I'm happy!

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