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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ancestry Search

I have been bitten by the Ancestry bug lately. Most of my free time is spent searching and searching & then more searching. Neither of my parents were interested in recording all the family members so I didn't have a lot to go on. Though honestly, I had some key information that was helpful. I was so excited that I actually was able to get information as far back as my moms great, great, great grandparents on her grandfathers side. Remarkable. I was shocked that I was able to get names that far back & I know I have only scratched the surface.
So far I know I'm German and English!
I simply can't wait to find out more. 

Fast forward to my great grandfather and finding out he came from a family of 9 kids so needless to say I have a lot to explore & record with just that! 

Holy smokes... I will need a big chart just to fit all that in!

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