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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Daffodill Principle

A repeat email came to me and it made me think….again. It was titled the Daffodil Principle. It was talking about the cumulative effect of things that we do and how important it is to begin. Everything we do, physically, verbally or mentally begins a cycle and can eventually become an important contribution to the end result.
A kind word, a small compliment consistently done has the ability to change a person’s perspective about how they feel.
The beginning of a task sets the stage for it to be completed.
I tend to think of the completed project or idea, but I would like to instead think of the step that I need to start to get to the end. Then exercise patience.
When I lie quietly in bed on Sunday night I will think of all the things I accomplished this weekend instead of all I still need to do.

I only planted about 15 bulbs last fall and I can't say I enjoyed them any less
than if I had planted a hundred.

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