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Sunday, June 23, 2013

My Favorite Things

Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens are beautiful and cute but…..
here is my take on the song!

Raindrops on roses--raindrops on roses with a itty bitty frog

Whiskers on kittens--kittens are just so dang cute whiskers and all

Bright copper kettles--Paula Deen cookware—love the color

Warm woolen mittens--absolutely.. love anything that keeps me warm

Brown paper packages tied up with strings--delivered by my UPS driver

Cream colored ponies---always have and always will love  horses.. cream or otherwise

Crisp apple strudels--I’ll have apple pie please in Greensburg, IN.

Doorbells and sleigh bells ---just sleigh bells for me… I need some in my house

Schnitzel with noodles---pasta with burnt butter and mizithra cheese……oh yum

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings--We only have Canada geese
                          and they leave way too much behind if you know what I mean…
                  I’ll take the moon on a moonlight cruise on the River Seine

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes--hmmmm…not a dress kind of
                  girl anymore...great jeans, a LL Bean top plus a fabulous scarf.    

Snowflakes that stay on my nose & eyelashes--only if I have the warm woolen  
                                                                                         mittesn and a hat
Silver white winters that melt into springs---oh yes……a lush green spring...
     that’s when I feel earthshakenly (pretty sure that isn’t a word) renewed

Can I please sing my version from the hilltop and twirl like Maria did in Austria?
I know, I know the song is sung inside the castle but I want to be on the hilltop!
~As you can tell I am longing for another European Adventure~

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