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Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I had been thinking and planning for this trip for over a year. I couldn’t wait to be in Germany and explore all the sites that were planned.

I researched and read about Rothenburg, Munich, Neuschswanstein, Rudesheim & Cologne and they were everything I hoped for... and more. I was stunned to stand looking at all the things I had seen on the internet. Of course there was so much more to what I’d seen. So much more that I wouldn’t even know what to look for. It seemed like every time I turned around there was something more fantastic in front of me.  
Traveling through Germany was one beautiful mental snapshot after another.
Joachim & Anna, friends of the gentleman who planned the trip, took us to a bakery in Langen where I had a rhubarb pastry …..oh my…..there are no words to describe it. ~Such kind people~
I want to go back……….I want to go back…………I want to go back………

It was everything and more that I hoped for!
Well not the losing my luggage on the way over part.
Or the part where they lost it on the way back too!
Seriously.....what are the odds???

My view from the top of the Town Hall Tower in Rothenburg
And even a better view

                            A mime outside Cologne (or do you spell it Koln)  Cathedral

This is where I sat and sipped lemonade in Rudesheim



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